Radio-Canada | 28-nov-2023
Le gouvernement du Panama a assuré dimanche être prêt à « défendre » les intérêts du pays après que le groupe minier canadien FQM l’a informé qu’il recourrait à l’arbitrage international si le contrat conclu entre eux était déclaré inconstitutionnel.
El Diario | 27-nov-2023
Por la supuesta revocación de concesiones mineras para el proyecto Litio Sonora, Cadence Minerals y su subsidiaria REM México Limited (RMML) emitió una solicitud de consultas y negociaciones al Gobierno de México, informó este jueves la compañía en un comunicado la compañía minera de origen británico.
CIAR Global | 27-nov-2023
Por CIAR Global | 27 de noviembre 2023 First Quantum y Franco-Nevada notifican intención de arbitrajes a Panamá Las mineras canadienses First Quantum Minerals y Franco-Nevada Corporation han iniciado la cuenta atrás para la presentación de dos arbitrajes de inversiones contra Panamá ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI). First Quantum Minerals es propietaria de Minera Panamá, que opera la mina Cobre Panamá, y Franco-Nevada Corporation es (...)
Reuters | 27-nov-2023
Canada’s First Quantum intends to start arbitration against Panama, the Central American nation’s trade ministry and the company said, as Panama’s top court considers annulling a copper contract that opponents call unfair.
Verfassungsblog | 22-nov-2023
Australia is confronted with three multi-billion dollar investment treaty claims from a mining company, which serves as another illustration of how the international investment protection system poses a threat to an urgent and just energy transition.
Cadence Minerals | 21-nov-2023
Cadence Minerals and its subsidiary REM Mexico Limited have issued a request for consultations and negotiations to the Government of Mexico under the United Kingdom-Mexico Bilateral Investment Treaty.
CIAR Global | 21-nov-2023
La minera suiza Glencore International AG ha presentado la cuarta demanda de arbitraje de inversiones contra Colombia ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI).
Mining Weekly | 20-nov-2023
Mining corporations have taken steps to issue a notice and dispute and request for negotiations to the Ethiopian government over concerns at measures taken against Abyssinian’s investments in the Kenticha lithium and tantalum project in the country.
AFTINET | 14-nov-2023
Billionaire Clive Palmer is using the Investor-State Dispute Settlement mechanism against Australia because the permits for a coal mining project were refused for environmental reasons, including their contribution to increased carbon emissions.
teleSUR | 7-nov-2023
The Permanent Court of Arbitration ruled in favor of Bolivia, denying any compensation to the American mining company Orlandini for the revocation of concessions.