CCSI | 1-Dec-2023
Terminating investment treaties and withdrawing advance consent to ISDS would allow governments to clear the path from problematic treaties centered on investment protection and ISDS, which in practice benefit unsustainable investment.
ILA Reporter | 20-Apr-2021
The unusual status of foreign investors in international law is no accident, but rather the result of a “world-making project realized by a coalition of business leaders, bankers, and their lawyers in the 1950s and 1960s”.
Daily Blog | 21-Feb-2019
The panel on a sustainable world at the hui in October 2018 on What an Alternative and Progressive Trade Strategy for New Zealand argued for major changes to address pressing environmental issues.
Parti Sosialis Malaysia | 30-Jan-2018
It is now time we open up the dialogue on the kind of trade agreements that we want to see in place.
IISD | 11-Jan-2018
Más de 300 expertos, incluyendo a negociadores de alto nivel de acuerdos internacionales de inversión (AIIs) y representantes de organizaciones intergubernamentales, sociedad civil, sector académico y sector privado se reunieron en Ginebra.
IISD | 22-Dec-2017
Plus de 300 experts, notamment des négociateurs de haut-niveau d’accords internationaux d’investissement et des représentants d’organisations intergouvernementales, de la société civile ainsi que des secteurs universitaires et privés se sont réunis à Genève
IISD | 22-Dec-2017
More than 300 experts, including high-level negotiators of international investment agreements and representatives from intergovernmental organizations, civil society, academia and the private sector convened in Geneva.
Alternatives Economiques | 9-Nov-2017
Plusieurs modifications indispensables auraient dû être apportées au CETA pour le rendre climato-compatible.
IIED | 23-Oct-2017
How international investment treaties could promote more responsible investment and argues that, while some innovative practices are emerging, there is still much to do.
UNCTAD | 21-Jun-2017
International investment agreement (IIA) reform has made significant progress.