Mint | 19-mai-2021
Devas (Mauritius) Ltd, Telcom Devas Mauritius Ltd and Devas Employees Mauritius Pvt. Ltd are seeking to enforce an international arbitration award they had won in 2015.
El Economista | 10-mai-2021
El CIADI negó la razón a América Móvil en un pleito contra Colombia por una polémica reversión de espectro y radiobases que data de hace 25 años y que ya costó 521 millones de dólares a esa compañía.
Reuters | 10-mai-2021
America Movil said the World Bank’s ICSID tribunal has ruled against the company in its dispute with Colombia and ordered it to pay $2.2 million to cover the costs of the case.
CIAR Global | 17-avr-2021
ISA alega la violación del capítulo de inversiones del Acuerdo de Libre Comercio suscrito por Chile y Colombia.
Le Monde Arabe | 6-avr-2021
Pour Orange, l’Irak du début des années 2010 était un marché juteux et à fort potentiel de croissance, après l’intervention américaine avait laissé un pays en ruine.
Telefónica | 15-mar-2021
La compañía reclama el cumplimiento del acuerdo de inversiones suscrito entre España y el país latinoamericano.
Broadband TV News | 11-mar-2021
Netherlands-based United Group claims that Serbia has violated several obligations related to incentives and mutual protection of investments between the two countries.
BusinessLine | 18-jan-2021
The petition, filed by three investment firms related to Devas, argues that the award can be enforced in the US because India is a signatory to the New York Convention.
South China Morning Post | 11-jan-2021
Draft text shows Beijing looked to withhold telecoms sector benefits to firms from countries with restrictions on Chinese telecoms companies.
Technology’s Legal Edge | 18-nov-2020
There is evidence that high levels of activity in the telecommunications sector are leading to an associated increase in telecoms-related disputes.