Mondaq | 12-Sep-2019
The traditional mechanism of investment arbitration between the investor and the host State has been under attack for some time now from a range of actors and for a variety of reasons.
Corrs Chambers Westgarth | 14-Aug-2019
The New York Convention is regarded as the most influential treaty in the area of international trade and international commercial arbitration.
Reuters | 29-May-2019
Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when climate change policies affect their profits, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
Barbados Today | 6-May-2019
Caribbean States and investors are not only participating, but being harmed by the ills and abuses of the current system of ISDS.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 2-May-2019
The 37th session in New York was devoted to addressing and identifying some additional concerns and creating a workplan for carrying out phase three of the mandate—developing possible ISDS reform options.
IISD | 26-Apr-2019
Si el régimen pretende apoyar el desarrollo, y superar la crisis de legitimidad que enfrenta el régimen internacional de inversiones, se requiere algo más que una reforma procesal de la ISDS.
IISD | 26-Apr-2019
Si l’on souhaite que le régime international des investissements soutienne plus efficacement le développement, et surmonte la crise de légitimité à laquelle il fait face, il faudra plus que de simples réformes procédurales du RDIE
IISD | 26-Apr-2019
If the investment regime is to be made supportive of development and overcome its legitimacy crisis confronting, something more is required than procedural reforms to ISDS.
Stop ISDS | 9-Apr-2019
A permanent Multilateral Investment Court pushed by the European Union could make ISDS worse by scaling it up.
TNI | 8-Apr-2019
ISDS lawyers appear to hold administrative positions within the working group and are represented in large numbers in the advisory bodies that have been established for the working group.