The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) is a proposed mega trade deal that was negotiated between the European Union and the United States.

The original mandate to the European Commission stated: “the Agreement will include an appropriate dispute settlement mechanism”.

The investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism in TTIP has drawn fierce criticism from civil society groups from both sides of the Atlantic. They claimed in December 2013, in a letter to the European Commission and the Office of the United States Trade Representative that ISDS was “a one-way street by which corporations can challenge government policies, but neither governments nor individuals are granted any comparable rights to hold corporations accountable”.

In 2014, the European Commission launched a public consultation about the inclusion of ISDS in TTIP. The result was very clear: 97% of the 150,000 participants said no to ISDS.

The European Commission put forward in 2015 a proposal for an alternative mechanism, named investment court system, a move it said would make ISDS more transparent and allow states to appeal against multinationals’ challenges. But groups portrayed the suggested changes as putting “lipstick on a pig”, as they are merely cosmetic changes, and would still allow corporations to sue governments in parallel court settings.

Following strong public outcry and the election of Trump in the US, talks on a comprehensive agreement were put on hold in 2017.

Photo: Garry Knight / CC0 1.0

(March 2020)

La Croix | 11-Mar-2016
Même amendé, le mécanisme qui permettrait aux entreprises étrangères de porter plainte contre un État quand elles estiment qu’il a failli aux engagements pris dans un traité d’investissement est illégitime.
EurActiv | 10-Mar-2016
Progress was made in the latest round of TTIP talks, but negotiators have a long way to go if the deal is to be signed before Barack Obama leaves office.
Diagonal Periódico | 9-Mar-2016
Hablamos con la activista estadounidense Melinda ST. Louis sobre el Acuerdo Transatlántico para el Comercio y la Inversión (TTIP) y su visión desde el otro lado del Atlántico.
EurActiv | 9-Mar-2016
Paris would like to “copy-paste” key passages from the EU-Canada free trade agreement, concluded this week, particularly those relating to the arbitration court that is such a controversial issue in Europe.
EurActiv | 8-Mar-2016
Paris souhaiterait « copier-coller » certains passages clés de l’accord de libre-échange conclu cette semaine entre l’Union européenne et le Canada, notamment ceux relatifs à la cour d’arbitrage tant décriée en Europe.
Nueva Tribuna | 7-Mar-2016
Tribunales privados de arbitraje podrán imponer multas multimillonarias a los Estados cuyos parlamentos hayan osado legislar sin tener en cuenta las expectativas de las empresas.
The Guardian | 29-Feb-2016
Negotiators confirm they hope to reach agreement on Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership by end of year.
El Economista | 26-Feb-2016
La Unión Europea (UE) y Estados Unidos confirmaron hoy, al término de su duodécima ronda de conversaciones, su compromiso de cerrar las negociaciones para un acuerdo de libre comercio e inversiones (TTIP) para finales de 2016.
Amigos de la Tierra | 25-Feb-2016
La demanda de la empresa TransCanada por 15.000 millones de dólares demuestra la amenaza del TTIP a la democracia y el medio ambiente
Ars Technica | 25-Feb-2016
Browser maker Mozilla, digital rights group Electronic Frontier Foundation, and Creative Commons have called for more openness in global trade agreements.