corporate interests
Público | 12-Sep-2017
Un organismo dependiente de la ONU sitúa a España como el tercer país más demandando por multinacionales inversoras, con 36 casos conocidos. El dato llega la misma semana en la que se conocen las nuevas trabas de Bélgica al polémico acuerdo comercial con Canadá, que recurre a un mecanismo de arbitraje muy similar a los que estudia este órgano.
Washington Examiner | 25-Aug-2017
More than 100 associations representing US businesses are teaming up to encourage the Trump administration to maintain ISDS protections as it renegotiates NAFTA, writes the head of the US oil and natural gas industry trade group
FT | 25-Aug-2017
Three top US business groups have fired a warning shot at the Trump administration, threatening to drop their support for its renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement if a controversial investment protection provision is abandoned.
WSJ | 23-Aug-2017
US trade officials are putting together a proposal to let the US withdraw from a corporate arbitration system at the heart of the North American Free Trade Agreement, upsetting big American companies that say the system protects their investments overseas.
Politico | 10-Aug-2017
More than 100 U.S. business groups and associations are pushing the Trump administration to not only preserve investor-state dispute settlement and related provisions in an updated NAFTA agreement but to also strengthen them to further protect intellectual property and interests.
Eje Central | 8-Aug-2017
Cortes para proteger inversiones se han corrompido hasta convertirse en fábricas de dinero.
DW | 14-Jul-2017
Bajo ese título publica REDES una nueva investigación que da cuenta de la fragilidad de los Estados frente a los mecanismos de solución de controversias, con impactos invisibilizados en las políticas públicas, los derechos y la soberanía para diseñar y ejecutar estrategias de desarrollo nacionales.
Mondaq | 26-Jun-2017
Over the past twenty years, International Investment Agreements have become an increasingly popular and valuable tool for investors to manage their foreign investment risk.
Public Eye | 12-Apr-2017
Confidential documents obtained by Public Eye show that Novartis has threatened Colombia with international investment arbitration under its BIT with Switzerland to avoid the issuance of a compulsory license
RT | 30-Mar-2017
En los últimos 20 años se han puesto de manifiesto los graves peligros que plantean los amplios privilegios concedidos a los inversores extranjeros en la mayoría de tratados de libre comercio o en los tratados bilaterales de inversiones.