Korea Herald | 15-oct-2018
Swiss elevator maker, Schindler Group, has officially filed for an investor state dispute settlement against the Korean government seeking US$300 million in compensation for losses over its approval of paid-in capital increase of Hyundai Elevator
Expropriate | 4-aoû-2018
On 29 July 1918, the British judiciary proffered the Empire’s most expressly and egregiously racist justification for the land dispossession of indigenous peoples. Today, an ICSID tribunal continues that mission. No matter which way Zimbabwean’s turn at the polls, they’re still paying for their invasion and occupation by Cecil Rhodes’ British South Africa company...
Hankyoreh | 2-aoû-2018
This is the fourth ISDS dispute this year in which the South Korean government is embroiled.
Le Temps | 2-jui-2018
Sur la base du Traité de la charte de l’énergie, des investisseurs étrangers réclament des sommes astronomiques aux Etats qui décident de passer aux énergies renouvelables.
Defi Media | 26-avr-2018
Quantum Global menace de recourir à un arbitrage international si le contentieux avec les autorités locales n’est pas résolu dans un délai de six mois.
Le Temps | 4-avr-2018
Des investisseurs pourraient restructurer leurs investissements en déplaçant notamment leurs activités de l’UE vers la Suisse et bénéficieraient alors de la protection offerte par les TBI conclus entre la Suisse et les pays membres de l’UE.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 3-avr-2018
The Swiss Federal Supreme Court confirmed its statutory restraint in reviewing arbitral awards and rejected the host state’s request to set aside the award for violating substantive public policy.
AGEFI | 13-avr-2017
Le géant bâlois est accusé d’avoir "menacé" le ministère colombien du Commerce et de l’Industrie de recourir à un tribunal d’arbitrage international.
Public Eye | 12-avr-2017
Confidential documents obtained by Public Eye show that Novartis has threatened Colombia with international investment arbitration under its BIT with Switzerland to avoid the issuance of a compulsory license
Public Citizen | 1er-avr-2017
Novartis battle against Colombian Government highlights the threats to public health posed by the outrageous investor-state dispute settlement regime and bad “trade” deals.