Emerging Europe | 24-ago-2021
Kazakhstan has welcomed what it calls an opportunity for an independent arbitral tribunal to carry out “a free and fair review of the Statis’ fraud”.
The Ecologist | 20-ago-2021
Governments must urgently terminate all international investment treaties in force, in particular the Energy Charter Treaty, and stop negotiating new ones.
Euractiv | 19-ago-2021
Les ONG environnementales slovènes ont appelé le ministre de l’Infrastructure Jernej Vrtovec à faire usage du statut de la Slovénie, à la tête de la présidence de l’UE, pour la sortie du bloc du Traité sur la charte de l’énergie.
Euractiv | 19-ago-2021
Slovenian environmental NGOs have called on infrastructure minister Jernej Vrtovec to use the country’s EU presidency to propose a political discussion on the bloc exiting the Energy Charter Treaty.
The Ecologist | 19-ago-2021
Tackling trade and investment agreements must be an essential step in achieving justice-oriented action on climate change, health inequities and economic injustice.
Bloomberg | 12-ago-2021
Shell didn’t say in its statement if it will withdraw the related arbitration claim.
Les Echos | 12-ago-2021
Shell n’a pas indiqué dans sa déclaration si elle retirerait sa procédure d’arbitrage liée à cette affaire.
Market Research Telecast | 9-ago-2021
Spanish Solar demands compensation from the Spanish Government for having cut the premiums for the use of energy once the investments have been made.
Public Citizen | 7-ago-2021
TC Energy expects to get 15 times more money, coming from taxpayers’ pockets, than the asset losses it experienced from the revocation of a permit, that was already denied twice.
CIAR Global | 30-jul-2021
La compañía petrolera Perenco ha llegado a un acuerdo con Ecuador en las negociaciones por el pago del laudo de 435 millones de dólares en el marco de la larga disputa sobre la asignación de los beneficios de dos contratos de participación, que datan de 2002, a raíz de la adopción de legislación, por parte de Ecuador, que modificó la participación que Perenco recibía en virtud de varios Contratos de Hidrocarburos en la Región Amazónica Ecuatoriana.