investissement | TBI
CIAR Global | 9-avr-2024
El empresario portugués Ricardo Filomeno Duarte Ventura Leitão Machado, propietario de la compañía de proyectos energéticos Aenergia SA, ha presentado una solicitud de arbitraje de inversión contra Angola ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI). Se trata del primer procedimiento que enfrenta el país africano ante este organismo internacional.
Business Standard | 9-avr-2024
India’s Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has asked the commerce ministry to examine the model text of the bilateral investment treaty and suggest modifications to further improve the ease of doing business.
The News | 5-avr-2024
The caretaker government had ratified the draft of FTA, including the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT).
Le Monde Diplomatique | 4-avr-2024
International investment agreements enable corporations to sue foreign governments for loss of profits. The sums they demand can be so huge that even the threat of a claim is enough to make governments cave in.
The Times of India | 4-avr-2024
Switzerland pursues a new bilateral investment treaty with India post EFTA deal, addressing model treaty concerns.India remains reluctant on concessions, focusing on market.
Le Monde Diplomatique | 25-mar-2024
Les populations ignorent souvent que, grâce au mécanisme d’arbitrage international, les entreprises sont en mesure de mettre au pas les États, parfois au mépris des lois ou des Constitutions.
Pressenza | 25-mar-2024
Existen políticas de atracción de inversión extranjera exitosas que varios Estados receptores de grandes flujos de inversión extranjera han sabido elaborar, manteniendo una distancia prudente con el mecanismo establecido por el CIADI.
Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment | 23-fév-2024
Mozambique faces a substantial economic risk due to its exposure to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) claims by foreign investors in its coal, oil, and gas sectors. The investment protections in the country’s international investment agreements and contracts, combined with ISDS, expose Mozambique to multi-billion-dollar financial liabilities.
Euractiv | 12-fév-2024
The European Commission and Canada have agreed on the “interpretation” of parts of their trade agreement that relate to investor protection from environmental regulation, in a push by Brussels to persuade member states to ratify the bilateral multibillion-euro deal.
Inter Press Service | 9-fév-2024
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions in international trade and investment agreements – long abused by opportunists with means – are slowly being rejected by cautious governments.