actions | résistance
Indonesia for Global Justice | 28-oct-2019
Indonesia for Global Justice (IGJ) menilai tidak diaturnya mekanisme ISDS di dalam Perjanjian RCEP adalah langkah tepat yang dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Indonesia.
Red Carpet Courts | 23-oct-2019
10 historias de cómo los ricos y poderosos secuestraron la justicia.
Ecoticias | 23-oct-2019
Con motivo de la Semana de Acción contra la Impunidad Corporativa, la campaña Derechos para las Personas Obligaciones para las Multinacionales lanzó en toda Europa la web de Premios Escobilla de Oro.
People Dispatch | 21-oct-2019
Negotiators representing 16 countries have been tasked with arriving at an agreement on the controversial Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership by October 19 but trade unions say the deal has grave consequences.
AFTINET | 21-oct-2019
Organisations representing millions of Australians wrote to Labor MPs last week asking them to implement their policies against harmful proposals including special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for millions over domestic laws.
CIDSE | 16-oct-2019
Comment pouvez-vous nous aider ? Signez la pétition pour arrêter l’ISDS !
CIDSE | 16-oct-2019
¿Cómo puede ayudar ? ¡Firme la petición para detener ISDS !
IGJ | 15-oct-2019
The book aims to provide an understanding to the public about ISDS mechanism, by providing a clear description of real impact caused by ISDS lawsuit faced by Indonesia.