acciones | resistencia
AFL-CIO | 10-abr-2015
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) and the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) call for an end to ISDS in all pending trade and investment agreements.
La Via Campesina | 30-mar-2015
Le 17 avril 2015, La Via Campesina internationale concentrera sa mobilisation sur les impacts des entreprises transnationales et les traités de libre échange affectant l’agriculture paysanne et la souveraineté nationale.
La Via Campesina | 30-mar-2015
This April 17th 2015, La Via Campesina will focus its mobilizations on the impacts of Transnational Corporations and Free Trade Agreements on peasant and small-scale agriculture and national food sovereignty
Scoop | 30-mar-2015
The Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade committee is now accepting public submissions on the NZ-Korea Free Trade Agreement, providing Kiwis with a rare chance to break the silence on the controversial investor-state dispute settlement provisions in that agreement and in the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, according to It’s Our Future NZ.
Huffington Post | 28-mar-2015
In Chevron’s massive international arbitration directly against the government of Ecuador, it has gotten everything it has asked for from the panel of arbitrators — until last week.
Public Citizen | 23-mar-2015
Questions and answers on investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) that pertain to incorrect claims being made by the Office of the US Trade Representative.
IGJ | 26-feb-2015
Indonesia for Global Justice together with Indonesian civil society networks met with the Director of Bilateral Cooperation of Investment Coordinating Board, Fritz Horas Silalahi, in Jakarta to discuss the review of Indonesia Bilateral Investment Treaties (BITS).
TNI | 19-feb-2015
Public event organised by Transnational Institute, Friends of the Earth Europe and Traidcraft on 4 March 2015 in Brussels
Counter Punch | 18-feb-2015
The corporate media would prefer that people know nothing about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), the US-EU Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and other trade deals.
Techdirt | 25-ene-2015
Even if CETA is rejected in Europe, claims under the ISDS chapter would still be possible up to three years afterwards for investments made during the provisional period.