RT | 29-Jun-2021
En vertu d’un accord bilatéral avec l’Etat français, l’Equateur a été condamné à verser plus de 400 millions de dollars à une filiale de la société pétrolière Perenco... sise aux Bahamas.
CIAR Global | 14-Jun-2021
La Comisión Europea y los Estados miembros han participado en la quinta ronda de negociación sobre la modernización del Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE). Entre los temas discutidos: la Solución de Controversias.
CIAR Global | 13-Jun-2021
Finalmente, las compañías inversoras en energías renovables Eiser Infrastructure Ltd. y Energia Solar Luxembourg SARL han renunciado a su lucha por el laudo de 128 millones de euros contra España, emitido a su favor en 2017 y que fue anulado porque el árbitro designado por los inversores tenía un conflicto de intereses que no había sido revelado.
Energy Charter | 3-Jun-2021
Nigeria has completed all three of its accession reports but the Energy Charter Conference placed restrictions on ECT accession finalization procedures, placing Nigeria’s accession path into a state of pause.
Reuters | 3-Jun-2021
Ecuador has 60 days to make the payment and has already contacted Perenco to start negotiations. In 2020, the country inked a $6.5 billion emergency deal with the IMF.
Amico Hoops | 2-Jun-2021
Le tribunal a considéré que l’Equateur avait “violé le droit international public” au préjudice de Perenco en faisant passer de 50% à 99% la participation du pays sud-américain aux bénéfices.
Amico Hoops | 2-Jun-2021
The Ecuadorean country will have to face a millionaire sum for Perenco oil company after a ruling by a panel formed under the auspices of the World Bank’s International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
Euractiv | 1-Jun-2021
After four unsuccessful negotiation rounds, and with a fifth round starting this week that does not bring any silver linings in terms of outcome, the time has come for the EU and its member states to leave the ECT.
NDTV | 31-May-2021
The arbitral award has condoned the tax avoidance scheme adopted by Cairn Energy.
The Leaflet | 28-May-2021
The perverse interplay of BITs with double taxation avoidance agreements has been bleeding India from the much-needed tax revenues.