The Globe and Mail | 28-jui-2023
Enerflex argued the ruling defied regional trade agreements between Mexico, the United States and Canada, also calling the court’s decision “indirect expropriation” and denouncing arbitrary treatment by the Mexican state.
TNI | 22-jui-2023
In the era of the energy transition, questions of state control and power are back on the agenda in a big way.
BNN | 12-jui-2023
Zenith Energy Ltd, an international energy firm, filed a lawsuit against Tunisia on Wednesday, claiming financial damages of at least $48 million.
CIAR Global | 9-jui-2023
Una subsidiaria de Ecopetrol, compañía petrolera colombiana de economía mixta, ha obtenido un laudo a favor de 1.000 millones de US dólares en un arbitraje presentado contra la compañía británica Chicago Bridge & Iron (CB&I), en 2016.
Le Journal de l’Afrique | 9-jui-2023
Réclamant 48 millions de dollars à la Tunisie, la société canadienne de pétrole Zenith Energy a lancé une procédure internationale d’arbitrage.
América Latina Mejor sin TLC | 29-mai-2023
La misión internacional que visita el país del 22 de mayo al 1 de junio, denuncia abusos por parte de las trasnacionales. Solicita también que Colombia se retire del acuerdo sobre energía del que es observadora.
Zone Bourse | 26-mai-2023
L’Espagne a perdu sa demande d’immunité auprès d’un tribunal londonien dans une affaire de 120 millions d’euros (129 millions de dollars) concernant la réduction des incitations en faveur des énergies renouvelables.
Reuters | 26-mai-2023
Spain has lost a bid to claim immunity in a London court in a 120 million-euro ($129 million) case over cuts to renewable energy incentives.
Offshore Engineer | 23-mai-2023
Given Lansdowne is a UK domiciled company it expects to pursue its claim in international arbitration pursuant to the investment protection regime established under the Energy Charter Treaty.
The Conversation | 23-mai-2023
US$20 billion : That’s how much American investors think Canadian taxpayers should fork over to compensate them for their failed bid to develop a liquefied natural gas facility in Québec.