Client Earth | 15-dic-2021
This legal briefing explains how the implications of the Komstroy ruling, alongside other recent CJEU decisions, on pending and future intra-EU ISDS claims.
Afronomics Law | 13-dic-2021
African nations should not be expected to take the lead in addressing a climate emergency they did not create. The priority for Africa is to receive support and investment to build resilience and adapt to climate impacts.
Ecologistas en Acción | 3-dic-2021
El pleno del Ayuntamiento de Cádiz aprueba una moción instando al Gobierno de España a abandonar el Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE).
TASS | 2-dic-2021
Former shareholders tried to collect $50 billion from Russia.
Ascent Resources | 1ro-dic-2021
the Company is now pleased to announce that it has signed a binding damages-based agreement with Enyo Law LLP which will be advancing the disbursements which are expected to be incurred in the pursuit of the claim.
CNBC | 24-nov-2021
Five fossil fuel companies are already known to be seeking over $18 billion in compensation from governments over energy policy changes and most of these have been brought via the Energy Charter Treaty.
Radio-Canada | 24-nov-2021
L’entreprise TC Énergie a déposé une demande d’arbitrage en vertu des règles de l’ALENA demandant au gouvernement américain une compensation financière pour avoir annulé la construction du pipeline Keystone XL.
Counter Punch | 24-nov-2021
Extractive companies are the most frequent users of the investor-state dispute settlement system (ISDS), making up 29 percent of all ICSID claims in fiscal year 2021.
No TCI | 23-nov-2021
Hay un escollo del que nadie hablará en la COP26 que puede minar cualquier acuerdo alcanzado estas semanas para reducir el uso de combustibles fósiles: el Tratado de la Carta de la Energía (TCE).
BNN | 23-nov-2021
Developers of Keystone XL are seeking to recoup more than $15 billion in damages connected to President Joe Biden’s decision to yank a permit for the border-crossing oil pipeline even after construction began.