investment | BITs
Lexology | 31-May-2018
The Netherlands has released a new draft investment treaty for public comment.
Oup Blog | 28-May-2018
When officials drafted investment treaties and arbitration, did they expect them to facilitate more investment? The answer that emerges from internal discussions among officials in the UK and the US is clear: no.
Metro | 24-May-2018
Le projet de traité d’arbitrage liant la Belgique et le Luxembourg à Oman a été approuvé, par le Parlement de Wallonie
Le Figaro | 24-May-2018
Il sera à l’avenir possible de scinder les accords commerciaux en deux pour éviter que les traités puissent être stoppés par un seul Parlement national ou régional, comme ce fut le cas dans le passé pour le Ceta.
European Council | 12-May-2018
EU member states approved the Commission plans to keep investment protection provisions seperate from trade agreements so that they can be approved without the ratification of national or regional parliaments.
Lexology | 9-May-2018
Whilst there is a plethora of literature on BIT protection, relatively little is known on how the OIC Agreement can assist investors.
IBS Intelligence | 3-May-2018
The International Trade Committee launches an inquiry concerning the UK’s investment policy, which will examine the Government’s performance in promoting and facilitating inward and outward investment and its approach, upon UK exit from the EU, to negotiating agreements that liberalise and protect foreign investment.
CIEL | 19-Apr-2018
A report reveals that the recent Achmea ruling by the European Court of Justice could render investment agreements between the European Union or its Member States and non-EU countries illegal.
CDES | 23-Mar-2018
Representantes que formaron parte de la Auditoría Ciudadana para analizar la legitimidad de los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión, envían carta expresando su preocupación por los nuevos tratados que el Gobierno pretende firmar ignorando las recomendaciones que en su momento había realizado la Auditoría.
OMAL | 21-Mar-2018
La UE quiere abrir nuevos mercados con un tratado comercial cada seis meses”: así de avaricioso se expresó recientemente Jyrki Katainen, vicepresidente de la Comisión Europea, ante el Consejo Atlántico en Washington, un lobby corporativo influyente en las relaciones transatlánticas.