Middle East

States from the Middle East have concluded about 600 investment deals. 44 ISDS cases have been brought against Middle Eastern countries, while investors from the region have initiated 44 cases as well.

In 2013, Al-Kharafi & Sons Co., investors from Kuwait, were awarded US$935 million under the Unified Agreement for the Investment of Arab Capital in the Arab States, in a dispute over a land-leasing contract for a tourism project in Libya, making it one of the largest known awards to date. They had only invested about US$5 million but the arbitration tribunal decided that Libya also had to compensate for profits that would have been made during the 90-year leasing contract and were now lost.

Photo: President of Azerbaijan / CC BY 4.0

(April 2020)

Express Tribune | 21-Oct-2019
International institutions, through high-level backdoor contacts, have agreed to waive off the $1.2 billion penalty Pakistan has to pay to Turkey’s Karkey, senior lawyer Babar Awan said.
Business Recorder | 27-Sep-2019
Pakistan has paid over $100 million to Turkish rental power company Karkey as a penalty out of $800 million, Senator Sherry Rehman has said.
CADTM | 24-Sep-2019
The signing of an investment treaty involves a unilateral loss of sovereignty on the part of the host state, which is ultimately deemed necessary to attract foreign capital.
Mining | 27-Aug-2019
Lydian International’s Amulsar gold project in Armenia may have to go through a fourth environmental review in less than a year.
Reuters | 22-Aug-2019
Lydian had threatened to go to arbitration if forced to shut it down.
War on Want | 5-Aug-2019
UK registered mining company Lydian is using corporate courts to bully the Armenian government into cracking down on public protests that have successfully resisted a gold mine.
The Independent | 5-Aug-2019
The Armenian government is currently being sued by a corporation for two thirds of its entire government budget. If the UK crashes out on 31 October, it could suffer a similar fate.
Express Tribune | 17-Jul-2019
The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) has declared that the Supreme Court of Pakistan’s judgment in the rental power projects case is ‘arbitrary’.
The National | 15-Jul-2019
Logistics and warehousing company is seeking to settle by arbitration a $380m dispute.
Yahoo | 15-Jul-2019
Agility soutient que le gouvernement irakien a refusé à Agility et à ses filiales la possibilité de contester la décision incorrecte de la Commission des médias et des communications d’annuler son investissement dans Korek Telecom.