Reuters | 29-mai-2019
Multinational companies will increasingly file massive cases against host countries when climate change policies affect their profits, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said.
Tele Sur | 22-mai-2019
Thousands of demonstrators across all five continents have joined the International Anti-Chevron day to peacefully protest and display global crimes committed by the transnational company against human rights and the environment.
Exit | 20-mai-2019
While the award rendered by the ICSID on April 24, 2019, has not been disclosed, Albanian media have circulated unconfirmed reports of €110 million.
News Ghana | 15-mai-2019
The African Union (AU) stressed the need to boost African countries’ capacity on both Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) and state-to-state dispute, as the African Continental Free Trade Area edges closer to entry into force.
European Commission | 15-mai-2019
The European Commission adopted a proposal for a Council Decision authorising negotiations to modernise the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT), to which the EU is part.
Russian Fund for the Protection of Investors’ Rights in Foreign States | 14-mai-2019
The Fund for Protection of Investors’ Rights in Foreign States sent an notice of arbitration against Lithuania for the illegal expropriation of the Bank “Snoras”, in accordance with the investment agreement between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Lithuania.
Reuters | 14-mai-2019
Poland’s prime minister and other government officials will meet to discuss a threat by Australia’s Prairie Mining to sue Warsaw over difficulties it faced in developing coal projects
Inequality | 13-mai-2019
In more than two-thirds of the mining-related lawsuits against governments in the region, communities have actively organizing against the mining activities.
Business Recorder | 9-mai-2019
The Government of Pakistan has reportedly created an Escrow Account worth $ 150 million to avert a negative ruling by the international arbitration tribunal in case of M/s Kakey uriterium rental power plant

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