Iran’s Dayyani group started a procedure to seize the South Korean government’s assets in the Netherlands after winning its investor-state dispute against it. This is the first time that such a procedure has been initiated against the South Korean government.
South Korean utility Korea Western Power Company (Kowepo) has begun arbitration proceedings against India for not honoring a fuel supply commitment to a gas-based power plant that it part-owns in western India
Swiss elevator maker, Schindler Group, has officially filed for an investor state dispute settlement against the Korean government seeking US$300 million in compensation for losses over its approval of paid-in capital increase of Hyundai Elevator
The Moon Jae-in administration’s campaign to "root out archaic irregularities" appears to have backfired as global private equity funds are rushing to file investor-state dispute settlements.
La Corée du Sud a dévoilé les clauses révisées de son accord de libre-échange avec les Etats-Unis et recueillera des opinions publiques sur ce dernier avant de le soumettre à l’Assemblée nationale.
South Korea will collect public opinions on the recently revised free trade agreement with the United States before sending it to the parliament for approval.
Schindler filed a notice of intent for arbitration on July 11. Under the ISD procedure, if the issue is not resolved through settlement in 90 days, the investor can take the case to the international tribunal.