Financial Express | 5-Sep-2018
New Delhi won’t not take additional commitment on intellectual property rights beyond the TRIPS agreement it has already accepted at the WTO; investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) mechanism only for limited sectors.
Brookings Institution | 1-Aug-2018
India’s Model BIT is "pro-state with limited rights to foreign investors" according to the US thinktank Brookings
Business Standard | 23-May-2018
India may not accept international arbitration orders annulling tax demands on British firms Vodafone Plc and Cairn Energy.
Indian Express | 21-May-2018
The tribunal, headed by Sir Franklin Berman, will hear the government’s objection to tax matters being covered under the Netherlands-India Bilateral Investment Treaty.
The Wire | 9-May-2018
In the order, Justice Manmohan, however, noted that the Centre could approach the UK arbitration tribunal under the BIPA for its grievances.
Times of India | 22-Mar-2018
A week after Japanese automaker Nissan hinted at the scope of an amicable solution, the Tamil Nadu government insisted that the Madras high court hear its plea to stall the international arbitration initiated by company.
Indian Express | 19-Mar-2018
The Madras High Court was told that the Tamil Nadu government was holding “talks” with Japanese automaker Nissan, predictably for an amicable settlement.
Live Mint | 14-Mar-2018
Under international arbitration proceedings the final hearing of Cairn’s claim under the UK-India Bilateral Investment Treaty is scheduled for August 2018 in The Hague.
Council of Canadians | 21-Feb-2018
Negotiations on a Canada-India FIPPA were launched in September 2004 and concluded in 2007, but the deal was never signed.
Money Control | 24-Jan-2018
Cairn commenced international arbitration proceedings against India under the UK—India Bilateral Investment Treaty in 2015.