Colombo Page | 29-Oct-2018
KLS Energy Lanka, the local subsidiary of Malaysian renewable energy producer Energy Sdn Bhd of Malaysia has initiated ICSID arbitration under the Sri Lanka-Malaysia BIT
IISD | 28-Oct-2018
The selection of 10 key cases for this book has been made based on investment disputes that have implications for sustainable development, in its three dimensions: economic development, social development and environmental protection.
Public Citizen | 28-Oct-2018
US-Canada ISDS is terminated; expansive investor rights eliminated and new review procedures mostly replace ISDS between US and Mexico.
Globe and Mail | 28-Oct-2018
Unverified rumours circulated in early 2018 that Canada was willing to abandon NAFTA’s provisions entitling foreign investors to sue for damages under what is called investor-state dispute settlement, or ISDS.
Le Monde | 27-Oct-2018
The documents highlight for the first time the pressure placed on the French parliament by a foreign company’s threat to use the ISDS mechanism.
Sydney Morning Heralds | 26-Oct-2018
The UN Conference on Trade and Development new research shows that increased market power of global corporations is driving global income inequality. It recommends a review of existing regulation and trade agreements to develop “measures to curb abusive business practices.”
Natural Gas World | 24-Oct-2018
South Korean utility Korea Western Power Company (Kowepo) has begun arbitration proceedings against India for not honoring a fuel supply commitment to a gas-based power plant that it part-owns in western India
Citizen Digital | 23-Oct-2018
A case filed by Cortec Mining Ltd and two others against the Republic of Kenya under the Kenya-UK BIT amounting to Ksh.200billion has been dismissed.
Huffington Post | 21-Oct-2018
Investor-state dispute settlement was tempered in the USMCA, but the government needs to justify why it persists asking for it in other agreements.

ISDS Case Map