CIAR Global | 14-Dec-2018
El conflicto está relacionado con la suspensión del proyecto de minería de oro Tambor, en San José del Golfo y San Pedro Ayampuc, y la reclamación estaría cifrada en 300 millones de dólares.
Argus | 14-Dec-2018
Former Canadian mining company Crystallex has resumed efforts to auction shares of Venezuelan-controlled US refiner Citgo and accused Caracas of breaching an earlier settlement to stave off the sale.
AP | 14-Dec-2018
Westwater Resources, an energy materials development company, announced the filing of a request for arbitration against the Republic of Turkey for the taking of its Temrezli and Şefaatli uranium projects in June 2018.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-Dec-2018
Tribunals still grappling with the intra-EU question, especially those in ECT cases, are certain to pay great attention to the carefully crafted Vattenfall decision. Its reasoning may well serve as a blueprint for further decisions and awards in similar cases.
Third World Network | 14-Dec-2018
International investment agreements, specifically bilateral investment treaties and the investment chapters in free trade agreements, have come under the spotlight for what are seen as skewed provisions that grant excessive rights to foreign investors.
W Radio | 13-Dec-2018
Se establecieron los parámetros para que el país responda por una demanda por 40 millones de dólares que presentó una heredera de los dueños del Banco Granahorrar.
Medias24 | 13-Dec-2018
Le récent accord devrait ainsi éviter au Maroc un hasardeux litige devant le Centre international de règlement des différends relatifs aux investissements (CIRDI), organisme rattaché à la Banque mondiale.
CIAR | 12-Dec-2018
El pasado 30 de noviembre, la compañía neerlandesa Aram Asset Management notificó su intención de acudir a arbitraje de inversiones contra el Gobierno de Perú en relación con la expropiación de sus negocios de comercialización de oro en 2013.
Reporterre | 12-Dec-2018
"Quand les multinationales attaquent les États " montre à travers trois affaires significatives combien les tribunaux d’arbitrage internationaux menacent l’intérêt général au profit des intérêts des multinationales.
The Express Tribune | 11-Dec-2018
Pakistan’s assets abroad are at risk of being taken over as a security to implement the international arbitration court’s ruling.