No al TTIP | 21-Jun-2018
La campaña contra los Tratados de Comercio e Inversión, formada por más de 30 organizaciones de la sociedad civil, se presentó ayer con un objetivo fundamental: que se conozcan y se discutan públicamente los distintos acuerdos con los que la Unión Europea quiere profundizar su política comercial.
IISD | 20-Jun-2018
The Energy Charter Treaty was recently described, somewhat ominously, as “one treaty to rule them all”—ever-expanding and giving the power to corporations “to halt the energy transition.”
Both Ends | 20-Jun-2018
Both ENDS a envoyé une lettre, signée par différentes organisations de la société civile, à la Ministre néerlandaise du commerce et du développement, l’incitant à terminer le traité bilatéral d’investissement entre les Pays Bas et Burkina Faso.
Both Ends | 20-Jun-2018
Both ENDS sent a letter, signed by various civil society organisations, to the Dutch Minister of Aid & Trade to urge her to terminate the Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) that exists between the Netherlands and Burkina Faso.
Sydney Morning Herald | 20-Jun-2018
Despite this growing rejection of ISDS, the Australian government claims that ambiguous general “safeguards” in the TPP-11 will protect public interest laws.
CNCD 11.11.11 | 18-Jun-2018
Le match se joue aussi au Parlement wallon ce 20 juin : vote sur un traité d’arbitrage biaisé. | 15-Jun-2018
Company is seeking $4.4bn in compensation for alleged losses related to its Rosia Montana gold and silver project, which Romania refused to approve following relentless protests.
Business Review | 14-Jun-2018
Ten photovoltaic energy producers filed a request for arbitration proceedings against the Romanian government at World Bank’s International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes.
TNI | 13-Jun-2018
The ever-expanding Energy Charter Treaty and the power it gives corporations to halt the energy transition.
TNI | 13-Jun-2018
L‘expansion constante du Traité de la Charte de l‘énergie, et le pouvoir qu’il donne aux entreprises pour s‘opposer à la transition énergétique.