IISD | 12-abr-2019
The proposed amendments signal an effort to improve the procedural rules governing ICSID arbitration, but fail to appropriately address many concerns expressed and fall short of promoting meaningful reform of investor–state dispute settlement (ISDS).
BNE Intellinews | 11-abr-2019
Atlas Group is seeking payment of €500mn in damages from Montenegro at an international court.
AFTINET | 11-abr-2019
Detailed scrutiny of the text of the recent Indonesia trade deal has revealed that there are no provisions to cancel the old 1993 Indonesia-Australia bilateral investment agreement.
Telecompaper | 11-abr-2019
Russian and the CIS mobile operator MTS has announced that it has filed its statement of claim in the dispute with the state of Turkmenistan at the World Bank’s ICSID.
SeeNews | 11-abr-2019
EVN and Bulgaria reached an out-of-court settlement, under which part of the claims regarding the remuneration obligations for renewable energy were offset between a Bulgarian EVN subsidiary and the Bulgarian state-owned National Electricity Company.
Chile Mejor sin TLC | 10-abr-2019
Hemos señalado que la mayoría de los capítulos permite demandas contra Chile por otros Estados y todos ellos permiten demandas por parte de inversionistas. No es sólo el capítulo de inversiones.
CCPA | 10-abr-2019
Many countries have become wary of the system and are restructuring or terminating their investment agreements. This is the ambience in which the Court of Justice will decide whether the CETA is compatible with EU law.
Le Monde | 10-abr-2019
Seuls les Etats du pays dont dépend l’investisseur étranger devraient pouvoir saisir une justice spécialisée sur le sujet des investissements, si la loi nationale ou la décision des autorités publiques s’avère contraire à un accord international signé.
Stop ISDS | 9-abr-2019
A permanent Multilateral Investment Court pushed by the European Union could make ISDS worse by scaling it up.
Calgary Herald | 9-abr-2019
The Czech-based company Petrolama Namur Oil Sands Exploration filed a notice of dispute against Canada on March 29 over the delay in completing the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline.