EJIL: Talk! | 6-nov-2018
The “moonlighting” debate echoes another controversial practice: that of “double hatting”, in which individuals wear two “hats” by simultaneously acting as arbitrators and legal counsel in international investment arbitration.
Curtis | 6-nov-2018
Combined with the dispute settlement mechanism of international arbitration, investment treaties have been transformed intol "weapons of legal destruction."
Rosia Montana | 5-nov-2018
Roşia Montană voices to be heard in illegal Romanian gold mine litigation
La República | 2-nov-2018
El presidente de la República Martín Vizcarra aprobó una partida de S/ 108 394 504 soles a favor de la minera. El pago se debe a la cancelación del proyecto minero debido a las protestas conocidas como el Aimarazo.
Australian Financial Review | 2-nov-2018
Businesses in the mining sector and beyond insist protection for Australian investors in Indonesia is required in a free trade deal.
PSI | 1ro-nov-2018
Como representantes de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil global, reiteramos nuestra oposición inequívoca al régimen de solución de controversias inversionista-Estado (ISDS por sus siglas en inglés) y los derechos de gran alcance para los inversionistas extranjeros consagrados en los tratados de comercio e inversión.
SOMO | 30-oct-2018
The UNCITRAL process runs a real risk of producing middle-ground solutions that will fail to address the fundamental flaws of the ISDS system and will only further institutionalise and re-legitimise the system.
Yogonet | 30-oct-2018
El Tribunal de Arbitraje insta a ambas partes —Casinos Austria y el Estado argentino— a tomar "todas las medidas necesarias para el desistimiento de los procedimientos nacionales relacionados con la presente controversia".
Medias24 | 30-oct-2018
Corral demande des dédommagements mais n’a pas encore précisé le montant.
| 30-oct-2018
More than 300 civil society groups and trade unions urged governments participating in United Nations meetings in Vienna to completely overhaul the controversial Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) system.