El Comercio | 2-oct-2018
Los 31 procesos legales que ha afrontado Ecuador en cortes internacionales, en los últimos 13 años han generado un saldo negativo.
Sierra Club | 1er-oct-2018
More outsourcing of pollution and jobs, handouts to corporate polluters, and climate denial
TeleSur | 28-sep-2018
Pablo Fajardo, the lead lawyer for the communities who have been fighting for 25 years for compensation for the severe pollution in the amazon region, and Donald Moncayo, one of the coordinators of the organization that has led this campaign talk about the Chevron case.
Client Earth | 28-sep-2018
ClientEarth has challenged a judgment regarding the European Commission’s decision to keep secret information about controversial investment tribunals in EU international trade deals.
El Telégrafo | 28-sep-2018
Medio centenar de indígenas de la Amazonía ecuatoriana se concentraron este miércoles 26 de septiembre frente a la Procuraduría del Estado, en Quito, para exigir al Gobierno que rechace un laudo arbitral que condena al país y que pone en peligro el proceso de reparación de daños ambientales causados por la petrolera Chevron.
Council on Economic Policies | 27-sep-2018
Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) is a postcolonial relic that should be abolished.
The Citizen | 27-sep-2018
Tanzania is urged to review the 15 years Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) with the Kingdom of Netherlands expires in April 2019 before it reckons itself for another 10 years.
Korea Times | 26-sep-2018
The Moon Jae-in administration’s campaign to "root out archaic irregularities" appears to have backfired as global private equity funds are rushing to file investor-state dispute settlements.
Derecho Internacional | 25-sep-2018
Se trata de un caso llevado en el 2014 por un grupo de inversionistas extranjeros contra Costa Rica ante un tribunal auspiciado por el CIADI.
Prensa Libre | 25-sep-2018
El inventario de controversias internacionales contra el Estado de Guatemala sumó este año dos nuevas intenciones de demanda.