Cinco Días | 17-mai-2018
El fondo soberano Masdar, de Abu Dabi, reclamaba 394 millones por el perjuicio a sus inversiones. El laudo condenatorio se suma a los de Novenergia y Eiser Infraestructures.
Common Sense Canadian | 17-mai-2018
Canada’s controversial mining sector may be the driving force behind the country’s insistence on protecting foreign investors’ rights over laws that guard its own citizens and environmental values.
Lexology | 16-mai-2018
The European Commission’s focus on ISDS has been so intense that far-reaching reform has been portrayed by many as inevitable. The Commission’s proposal is for the development of a multilateral investment court system (MIC).
Reuters | 16-mai-2018
US oil company ConocoPhillips has brought new court actions to seize two cargoes of crude and fuel near a terminal operated by PDVSA subsidiary Citgo Petroleum in Aruba.
CIAR Global | 16-mai-2018
Un tribunal de Curazao autorizó a que la estaodounidense ConocoPhillips incaute activos procedentes de refinerías en la isla propiedad de la estatal venezolana Petróleos de Venezuela (Pdvsa) valorados en 636 millones de dólares.
El Tiempo Latino | 16-mai-2018
Este viernes, la empresa Conoco Phillips tomó control de los activos petroleros, específicamente muelles y almacenes, que posee Venezuela en Bonaire y San Eustaquio
Romania Insider | 15-mai-2018
Rosia Montana Gold Corporation entered a dispute with the Romanian state at the ICSID after the mining project was blocked as the site was declared a historic monument.
Express Tribune | 14-mai-2018
The company exaggerated its future profits by underrating tax and royalty obligations by as much as 61 per cent, officials said.
Mondaq | 14-mai-2018
New Zealand has recently signed "side letters" to exclude compulsory Investor State Dispute Settlement with five members of the CPTPP – Brunei Darussalam, Malaysia, Peru, Viet Nam and Australia.
Reuters | 14-mai-2018
The legal action was the latest in the Caribbean to enforce a $2 billion arbitration award by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) over the nationalization.