reformed ISDS
South Centre | 11-Aug-2020
COVID-19 can increase liability for countries under international investment treaties. Developing countries face imminent challenges under such treaties.
Leadership | 10-Aug-2020
Nigeria is undertaking series of reforms of the country’s bilateral investment treaties to attract responsible, inclusive, balanced and sustainable investments.
Tralac | 8-Jul-2020
With the growing concern over the traditional ISDS system, it is highly unlikely that the AfCFTA will include an ISDS mechanism giving investors access to go to international arbitration under conventional international tribunals.
African Law Blog | 8-Jul-2020
African states need to take a unified and proactive approach to investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS), in order to make a system that is fairer to Africa and more consistent.
Financial Express Bangladesh | 7-Jul-2020
Amidst the global risk of ISDS claims, it is incumbent to shed light on Bangladesh’s BIT structure and its feasibility to confront ISDS claims in the backdrop of Covid-19 regulatory space.
Maroc Diplomatique | 6-Jul-2020
L’arbitrage international doit bonnement et simplement modérer ses pouvoirs aux fins de garantir les droits et l’autonomie des personnes et éviter les entorses qui seraient de nature à porter atteinte à la substance même des droits et des libertés.
IISD | 1-Jul-2020
In the face of the increasing number of claims brought by investors against host states on the basis of BITs and the exorbitant amounts awarded to investors, Morocco has undertaken a review of its model BIT using a flexible and rational approach.
IISD | 1-Jul-2020
Face au nombre croissant de recours présentés par des investisseurs contre des pays d’accueil au titre de traités bilatéraux d’investissement, le Maroc a entrepris de réviser son modèle de TBI au moyen d’une approche souple et rationnelle.
IISD | 1-Jul-2020
Frente a un creciente número de demandas entabladas por inversores contra Estados receptores en virtud de TBI y exorbitantes sumas otorgadas a los inversores por tribunales arbitrales, Marruecos ha emprendido la revisión de su modelo de TBI.