Lexology | 29-Mar-2019
On 26 March 2019, Australia and Hong Kong signed the Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement and its associated investment agreement.
The Conversation | 27-Mar-2019
Philip Morris, a US company, moved ownership of its Australian operations to Hong Kong to take advantage of ISDS in an Australia-Hong Kong investment treaty.
AFTINET | 27-Mar-2019
The Australia-Hong Kong Free Trade Agreement and separate Investment Agreement signed still give special rights to foreign investors to bypass national courts and sue governments for millions of dollars in international tribunals
Scoop | 25-Mar-2019
Australia’s costs for tobacco case it won show why NZ must get rid of ISDS now.
AFTINET | 22-Mar-2019
It has taken a second FOI case and another two years to reveal that Australian taxpayers were only awarded half of the costs of defending Australia’s tobacco plain packaging laws against tobacco giant Philip Morris in March 2017.
Churchill Mining | 20-Mar-2019
The annulment committee has dismissed Churchill’s application for annulment of the award for the dispute arising out of the revocation of the mining licenses that made up the East Kutai Coal Project in East Kalimantan.
Australian Mining | 19-Mar-2019
Kingsgate has been fighting the Thai Government and its insurers over the cancelled Chatree goldmine after it was denied renewal of its metallurgical licence.
The Conversation | 6-Mar-2019
Indonesia – Australia CEPA signed without prior released text to assess its costs and benefits.
Express Tribune | 29-Jan-2019
Pakistan is making a last-ditch effort for an out-of-court settlement in the Reko Diq mining case, wherein the complainant company whose contract was terminated is claiming $11.43 billion in damages in an international tribunal.