Sydney Morning Heralds | 26-oct-2018
The UN Conference on Trade and Development new research shows that increased market power of global corporations is driving global income inequality. It recommends a review of existing regulation and trade agreements to develop “measures to curb abusive business practices.”
Financial Review | 12-oct-2018
Crossbenchers are ramping up pressure on Labor at the 11th hour to reject the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement, drafting amendments that would force opposition senators to vote against the party’s policy.
The Guardian | 8-aoû-2018
US energy company is seeking $350m in compensation in so-called ISDS case over gas turbines in Pilbara.
AFTINET | 30-jui-2018
“AFTINET will present evidence today to a Senate inquiry that the TPP-11 increases corporate rights at the expense of people’s rights and the environment and should not be implemented,” AFTINET Convener Dr Patricia Ranald said today.
The Guardian | 2-jui-2018
Two years after an FOI claim was lodged, the price of the six-year fight with Philip Morris has been revealed
Sydney Morning Herald | 20-jui-2018
Despite this growing rejection of ISDS, the Australian government claims that ambiguous general “safeguards” in the TPP-11 will protect public interest laws.
Spatial Source | 13-jui-2018
Open Source Industry Australia (OSIA) is calling upon the federal government to scrap the CPTPP over provisions that could decimate the Australian open source community.
Friends of the Earth Australia | 3-mai-2018
The ISDS system impedes on national sovereignty to the benefit of corporations, yet places no obligations on investors to behave responsibly, creating an asymmetric system that gives multinationals the same rights as sovereign states.
South China Morning Post | 12-mar-2018
Political party says the newly signed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact, which contains similar clauses to the Hong Kong deal, could prompt more costly challenges in The Hague
London South East | 19-fév-2018
Churchill Mining updated the market on the progress made in its attempts to annul an international tribunal’s award against it.