CIAR Global | 19-déc-2019
La Agencia Nacional de Defensa Jurídica del Estado de Colombia ha publicado en comunicado de prensa datos relacionados a las audiencias que se desarrollaron la semana pasada en Washington en el marco del procedimiento de arbitraje de inversiones CIADI que enfrenta con Naturgy (antigua Gas Natural Fenosa) y relacionado con Electricaribe.
FOEE | 16-déc-2019
An obscure investment agreement, the Energy Charter Treaty, threatens to undermine bold climate action to transform Europe’s energy system.
Economic Times | 10-déc-2019
South Korean state owned power utility Kowepo has begun international arbitration proceedings against India in Singapore for not honouring a fuel supply commitment to its Maharashtra power plant.
Forbes | 10-déc-2019
Climate campaigners are demanding that European Union countries pull out of the treaty unless they can negotiate an end to the pact’s investor-state dispute mechanism.
Collectif Stop Tafta | 9-déc-2019
Plus de 280 organisations de la société civile réclament aux États membres du Traité sur la Charte de l’énergie de mettre fin aux protections dont dispose le secteur des énergies fossiles.
ECT’s Dirty Secrets | 9-déc-2019
We – 278 environmental, climate, consumer, development, and trade related civil society groups, as well as trade unions – believe that the ECT is incompatible with the implementation of the Paris Climate Agreement.
CIAR Global | 6-déc-2019
El pasado 2 de diciembre, el tribunal del arbitraje Stadtwerke München y otros contra España emitió su laudo favorable para España. Se trata del primer arbitraje relacionado con las reformas energéticas de las energías renovables que gana el país en el CIADI.
GTM | 5-déc-2019
Spain has offered an olive branch in its long-running legal battle with renewables developers. But the fight isn’t over yet.
New Indian Express | 2-déc-2019
Reports claimed that foreign investors threatened to drag Andhra Pradesh to international arbitration for ‘cancelling’ renewable power purchase agreements.