45 Secondes | 5-Feb-2021
L’Alberta, le cœur pétrolier du Canada, pourrait demander une compensation aux États-Unis après que le président nouvellement investi, Joe Biden, ait déménagé pour réparer le pipeline Keystone XL.
Euractiv | 4-Feb-2021
The European Union and its member states should draw the consequences of the current stalemate in multilateral talks aimed at reforming the Energy Charter Treaty and consider a coordinated withdrawal, Paris has said
CAN Europe | 4-Feb-2021
RWE has filed an arbitration claim against the Netherlands, seeking compensation for the Dutch decision to phase-out electricity production from coal by 2030.
CIAR Global | 2-Feb-2021
El 25 de enero de 2021, el tribunal del arbitraje de las energéticas alemanas Baywa ha emitido su laudo final en el que condena a España al pago de 22 millones de euros por daños y perjuicios en la inversión en renovables de las compañías.
Business Today | 1-Feb-2021
For a government struggling to find revenue to boost a COVID-19 battered economy, options of appeal against the arbitration award are limited and it may not have the financial bandwidth for such a payout.
CIAR Global | 28-Jan-2021
El 25 de enero de 2021, el tribunal del arbitraje de las energéticas alemanas Baywa ha emitido su laudo final en el que condena a España al pago de 22 millones de euros por daños y perjuicios en la inversión en renovables de las compañías.
The Hindu | 27-Jan-2021
UK-based Cairn Energy Plc has threatened that it may be forced to begin attaching Indian assets including bank accounts in different world capitals, unless the government resolves the issue.
The Conversation | 26-Jan-2021
The owner of Keystone XL — TC Energy (previously TransCanada) — used NAFTA to launch a US$15 billion lawsuit in 2016 after President Barack Obama cancelled the project.
Live Mint | 25-Jan-2021
Investors have written to the Indian government as well as the governments of the US and UK seeking adherence to the award of a tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague