IISD | 27-mai-2020
Governments worldwide need the policy space now to issue economic support packages and protect their public health systems, without worrying that their budgets could face even more strain from an all-consuming wave of arbitration.
Lexology | 22-mai-2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has led States to adopt various public health measures that adversely affect foreign investors and exacerbate broader economic issues. In this climate, there is significant potential for disputes under the ECT.
Cinco Días | 20-mai-2020
Preparan una avalancha de demandas contra los Estados apelando a los tratados de inversión, según un informe de CEO y TNI
Basta ! | 19-mai-2020
Les cabinets juridiques spécialisés dans les conflits entre investisseurs et États étudient d’éventuelles plaintes contre les mesures suspendant les activités économiques, instaurant un moratoire des loyers ou rendant accessible à tous un futur vaccin.
TNI | 19-mai-2020
As governments take action to fight the COVID-19 pandemic and prevent economic collapse, they could face multi-million dollar lawsuits.
Open Democracy | 19-mai-2020
Research claims top law firms are preparing to ‘cash in’ on the pandemic by helping corporations sue states for measures that have impaired profits.
CIAR Global | 8-mai-2020
Un grupo de prestigio de expertos del mundo académico, institucional, económico y político, respaldados por el Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment firman un manifiesto en el que piden la suspensión de los arbitrajes de inversiones mientras dure la crisis del Covid19
CCSI | 7-mai-2020
We call on the world community for an immediate moratorium on all arbitration claims by private corporations against governments using international investment treaties.
Business Day | 7-mai-2020
There is an imminent threat of claims arising from emergency measures, so countries should review how investor-state disputes are handled.
The Conversation | 23-avr-2020
Global companies are positioning themselves to use little-known rules in trade agreements to claim millions of dollars in compensation for restrictions imposed during the pandemic.