inversión | TBI
Diario Uchile | 19-jul-2021
La solución de controversias inversor-Estado (ISDS) permite a los capitalistas extranjeros atropellar los derechos de los Ecuatorianos.
Institute for New Economic Thinking | 15-jul-2021
Investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) allow foreign capitalists to run roughshod over the rights of Ecuadorians.
Dawn | 13-jul-2021
Pakistan Prime Minister has approved the new Bilateral Investment Treaty template whereby any dispute will now be remedied through local arbitration.
Cronista | 12-jul-2021
El Estado enfrenta 8 casos ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones (CIADI) y paga costos por la crisis de 2001, las expropiaciones, el congelamiento de tarifas y la estatización de las jubilaciones. Los detalles.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 12-jul-2021
The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs initiated “anti-arbitration” proceedings before the German courts to “avert” two ECT-based ICSID arbitrations brought against it by the German energy companies RWE and Uniper.
Le Matinal | 5-jul-2021
Les tentatives de Dawood Rawat de renverser un jugement antérieur ont échoué devant le Tribunal de Première Instance de Bruxelles.
redGE | 28-jun-2021
Este informe contiene una sistematización de estadísticas en base a un análisis de los casos inversor-Estado conocidos contra Perú hasta Diciembre de 2020. Perú cuenta con 27 Tratados Bilaterales de Inversión (TBI) vigentes.
ISDS Impactos | 25-jun-2021
Bufetes de abogados y empresas amenazan con demandar a Estados por medidas contra Covid-19
Leadership | 23-jun-2021
Nigerian labour unions and civil society organizations have urged the government not to assent to the ECT, explaining that the Treaty contains provisions for an Investor-State Dispute System (ISDS), which accords investors obscene privileges.
Global Arbitration News | 2-jun-2021
The BIT serves as a prime modern example of investment treaties which seek to rebalance the distribution of rights between host States and investors.