investment | BITs
IIED | 23-Oct-2017
How international investment treaties could promote more responsible investment and argues that, while some innovative practices are emerging, there is still much to do.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 13-Oct-2017
This first part begins with a review of the law governing entering and denouncing the ICSID Convention, as well as of an important debate on the effects of withdrawing from it.
No al TTIP | 12-Oct-2017
La ISDS ejerce presión sobre los gobiernos para que veten propuestas regulatorias por su impacto en los inversores extranjeros, especialmente en aquellas burocracias reacias a los riesgos.
CIAR Global | 10-Oct-2017
Nicolás Boeglin contesta a nuestras preguntas y nos acerca, de manera crítica, al actual momento que vive el arbitraje de inversiones en el entorno latinoamericano.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 4-Oct-2017
The year 1993 saw a significant political transition in Cambodia through the adoption of democratic principles and free market economy.
El Cronista | 3-Oct-2017
La Argentina y Japón pusieron fin a las rondas de negociaciones destinadas a rubricar un acuerdo bilateral de inversiones.
Dalloz | 27-Sep-2017
L’avocat général, M. Wathelet, prend position sur la clause d’arbitrage du traité bilatéral conclu entre les Pays-Bas et la Slovaquie et estime que celle-ci est compatible avec le principe de non-discrimination, avec le mécanisme de renvoi préjudiciel et avec le principe d’autonomie du système juridique de l’Union européenne.
IISD | 16-Sep-2017
When weighing all the benefits and costs of investment treaties against each other, there is insufficient evidence to come to any overall conclusion about the net effect of investment treaties for developing countries.
EJIL: Talk! | 12-Sep-2017
The Protocol draws significantly on the Brazilian model investment agreement, which stands out for departing from the traditional design of Bilateral Investment Treaties, particularly by excluding the possibility of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS).
Belga | 6-Sep-2017
La Belgique demandera l’avis de la Cours européenne sur la compatibilité du "Système juridictionnel des investissements" du CETA avec les traités européens