inversión | TBI
Express Tribune | 22-ene-2018
The TCC tribunal failure did not reflect an internal failure on the part of Pakistan’s state apparatus as much as it did the hegemonic nature of the global BIT regime that developing countries have been subjected to by the West.
Milieu Defensie | 12-ene-2018
The French oil company Total evicts people from their land in Uganda to make room for an oil processing facility.
IISD | 11-ene-2018
Más de 300 expertos, incluyendo a negociadores de alto nivel de acuerdos internacionales de inversión (AIIs) y representantes de organizaciones intergubernamentales, sociedad civil, sector académico y sector privado se reunieron en Ginebra.
Judicial Power Project | 9-ene-2018
As the turbulence in the global economy and backlash against neoliberalism continues, opposition to the international investment regime and ISDS from the left seems destined to grow.
European Law Blog | 8-ene-2018
The Opinion misses the much needed opportunity for a thorough and balanced reflection on the many challenges that ISDS, and investment disputes in general, pose to the EU legal and judicial system.
IISD | 22-dic-2017
Plus de 300 experts, notamment des négociateurs de haut-niveau d’accords internationaux d’investissement et des représentants d’organisations intergouvernementales, de la société civile ainsi que des secteurs universitaires et privés se sont réunis à Genève
IISD | 22-dic-2017
More than 300 experts, including high-level negotiators of international investment agreements and representatives from intergovernmental organizations, civil society, academia and the private sector convened in Geneva.
IISD | 22-dic-2017
Tanzania passed three new laws that significantly change the regulatory landscape governing natural resources and the mining sector in particular.
TNI | 14-dic-2017
Impacts of investment arbitration against Latin America and the Carribbean.
IISD | 13-dic-2017
No ASEAN country grants general consent to investor–state arbitration in its investment law.