Diario Co Latino | 15-Feb-2017
Más de 16 organizaciones ambientalistas y sociales que aglutinan el Movimiento de Victimas, Afectados y Afectadas por el Cambio Climático y Corporaciones MOVIAC entregaron una pieza de correspondencia en la Asamblea Legislativa para solicitar la creación de una Ley que prohíba la explotación minera y los Tratados de Libre Comercio.
CEO | 15-Feb-2017
Canadian mining company Gabriel Resources is using an investor-state lawsuit to push through its illegal toxic gold and silver mine in the historical Romanian village of Roşia Montană.
El Economista | 13-Feb-2017
La Corte de Apelaciones de París falló a favor de la minera Gold Reserve y en contra Venezuela, por lo que rechazó los argumentos del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro que pedían anular un laudo que data del 2014.
Business Wire | 8-Feb-2017
The Paris Court of Appeal rejected all of Venezuela’s arguments and issued a judgment dismissing the annulment applications filed by Venezuela pending before the French courts in relation to the arbitral award rendered by the ICSID
ISDS Blog | 7-Feb-2017
Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez nationalized the Venezuelan gold sector through an official decree during the summer 2011. Rusoro claimed that the decree violated the bilateral investment treaty between Canada and Venezuela.
El Salvador | 3-Feb-2017
Vocera de la firma, Ericka Colindres, dijo que se basarán en la ley vigente.
Stock Market Wire | 31-Jan-2017
Churchill Mining continues to see whether there are grounds to seek a revision of annulment of costs awarded against the company.
El Mundo | 31-Jan-2017
La empresa OceanaGold aún no paga la compensación de $8 millones, como lo ordena el fallo del CIADI.
Yahoo | 26-Jan-2017
The Tribunal has unanimously rejected the Respondent’s preliminary jurisdictional objections and opened the way for adjudication of the merits.
Reuters | 7-Jan-2017
Romania has asked the United Nations to make a Transylvanian village boasting 18th century houses and intact Roman mining shafts into a World Heritage site in move that could protect it from a gold mine project.