Le Figaro | 24-may-2018
Il sera à l’avenir possible de scinder les accords commerciaux en deux pour éviter que les traités puissent être stoppés par un seul Parlement national ou régional, comme ce fut le cas dans le passé pour le Ceta.
European Council | 12-may-2018
EU member states approved the Commission plans to keep investment protection provisions seperate from trade agreements so that they can be approved without the ratification of national or regional parliaments.
IISD | 9-may-2018
A decision by the Federal Court of Canada should spell the end of the NAFTA renegotiation on the investment Chapter of NAFTA, and ignite a renegotiation of the investment chapters of the Canada-EU trade agreement and the CPATPP.
EU Observer | 6-may-2018
Keeping the European project alive requires EU members to abide by the principle of loyalty to European institutions.
TNI | 25-abr-2018
A key feature of the “modernisation” process is the inclusion of a controversial investment protection chapter with the same characteristics as the one recently included in the Canada-EU trade agreement.
Revista Pueblos | 24-abr-2018
Uno de los principales elementos de la modernización del TLC UE-México pasa por incorporar al texto un polémico capítulo relativo a la protección de las inversiones, que tendría las mismas características que el que se incluyó recientemente en el CETA.
Transport & Environment | 24-abr-2018
The EU should not negotiate on its multilateral investment court project until the Court of Justice of the European Union has established the compatibility of the investment court agreed in CETA.
El Economista | 24-abr-2018
Uno de los principales cambios en el acuerdo comercial es que se remplaza el arbitraje de diferencias Estado-inversor con el nuevo Sistema de Juicios de Inversión, esto para asegurar la transparencia.
CIEL | 19-abr-2018
A report reveals that the recent Achmea ruling by the European Court of Justice could render investment agreements between the European Union or its Member States and non-EU countries illegal.
OMAL | 4-abr-2018
El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea ha dictaminado que la cláusula de arbitraje incluida en el tratado bilateral firmado entre Holanda y Eslovaquia no se ajusta al Derecho europeo.