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AFTINET | 7-mar-2022
AFTINET has raised the alarm over the possibility that British corporations will gain the right to sue the Australian Government if the UK is granted membership in the CPTPP.
Most Favoured Nation | 11-fév-2022
When Brexit meets ISDS meets the ECJ, happiness ensues.
Climate Home News | 26-jan-2022
Campaigners say the UK and Switzerland are defending fossil fuel interests in Energy Charter Treaty modernisation talks to tempt firms to relocate their HQs.
ICLG | 23-nov-2021
On 1 September 2021, Angola’s National Assembly ratified the International Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States (ICSID).
Radio Uchile | 18-oct-2021
Un proceso de consulta, como el iniciado por Principal, es un mecanismo establecido en los TLC para resolver controversias entre empresas y los Estados de una manera negociada.
Zone Bourse | 7-sep-2021
Le gouvernement indien s’efforce de résoudre ce problème le plus rapidement possible et vise une conclusion dans les prochaines semaines, a déclaré le directeur général de Cairn.
Mint | 7-sep-2021
Cairn Energy will drop litigations to seize Indian properties in countries ranging from France to the US, within a couple of days of getting a $1 billion refund resulting from the scrapping of a retrospective tax law. | 19-aoû-2021
El caso nace de un proceso judicial desarrollado en los tribunales salvadoreños donde el HSBC buscó recuperar $2 millones en prestamos a una empresa salvadoreña.
Reuters | 19-aoû-2021
HSBC Holdings said the banking group has initiated legal proceedings against El Salvador for what the company called a breach of the nation’s investment treaty with the UK.
AFTINET | 31-mai-2021
We call on the Australian Government to exclude ISDS from the Australia-UK FTA as has been done in the Australia-EU FTA and the RCEP.