souvraineté | démocratie
Historia y Presente | 12-sep-2018
Lo que a los ecuatorianos nos interesa es que en materia internacional se defienda el decoro nacional, el interés público, los derechos de los ciudadanos, contra los intereses privados y de cualquier empresa extranjera capaz de burlarse del Ecuador a través de aquellos TBI
Le Monde | 28-aoû-2018
Prévu dans le cadre de plusieurs traités de libre-échange, le mécanisme d’arbitrage d’investissement permet à des entreprises de contester des décisions d’Etats qu’elles estiment défavorables. Un système accusé de défendre les intérêts des multinationales.
IISD | 14-aoû-2018
El financiamiento de litigios por terceros (third-party litigation funding, TPF) es una industria en rápida expansión conformada por inversores especuladores que invierten en una demanda jurídica reclamando el control de un caso y una contingencia en la recuperación
IISD | 14-aoû-2018
These claims come at a significant cost to target countries and their citizens, since these claims will ultimately be paid by a large underrepresented class of stakeholders : the public.
IISD | 14-aoû-2018
Ces recours représentent un coût significatif pour les pays ciblés et leurs citoyens, puisque qu’ils devront au final être réglés par un groupe de partie-prenantes largement sous-représenté : le public.
Chile Mejor sin TLC | 6-aoû-2018
Esta semana deben ser votados en el Congreso Nacional cuatro tratados de libre comercio : con Argentina, China e Indonesia en la Cámara de Diputados y el polémico TLC con Uruguay en el Senado.
Boston College Law School | 8-jui-2018
The high costs and potentially high damages characteristic of ISDS cases have made it a new and highly attractive market for third-party funding.
Truthout | 28-mai-2018
The takeaway from the UNCITRAL’s process for its so-called "reform" discussions is that lawyers making millions in ISDS cases are welcomed, while the voices of the millions of people whose lives are harmed by ISDS cases brought by multinational corporations are barely an afterthought.
AFTINET | 11-avr-2018
Kahale uses examples from his own experience to argue that the ISDS system based on commercial arbitration principles is not fit to arbitrate cases in which international companies seek compensation from governments for changes in health, environment or other public interest laws.
Curtis | 5-avr-2018
I thought it would be both exciting and challenging to follow clients into this new area of investment claims practice. What I didn’t know was that I was entering the Wild Wild West of international practice.