The Monitor | 7-Apr-2023
Canada should join Australia and New Zealand in neutralizing lopsided corporate protections in CPTPP.
JDSupra | 17-Mar-2023
Investors from the United States, Mexico or Canada in the territory of one of the other two investment hosting states, who may have been adversely affected by the host government’s measures, need to act by the end of March 2023 to preserve NAFTA rights.
CIAR Global | 21-Oct-2022
Chile ha enviado una serie de side letters o cartas bilaterales a los diferentes países que conforman el Tratado de Integración económica TPP-11, aprobado por el Senado chileno recientemente.
Radio Uchile | 6-Oct-2022
En una carta enviada al Mandatario, la coordinadora afirmó que el TPP-11 permitirá a las corporaciones recurrir a los tribunales internacionales y exigir millonarias compensaciones si el país decide terminar con el sistema de AFP’s.
América Latina Mejor Sin TLC | 5-Oct-2022
“Los impactos que tendrá el TPP-11 deben ser analizados de modo integral, no por capítulos”, afirma Luciana Ghiotto y explica que “no hay modo que el tratado colabore en la construcción de un modelo de desarrollo diferente para Chile”.
América Latina Mejor Sin TLC | 4-Oct-2022
The impacts that TPP-11 will have then must be analyzed in an integral way, not by chapters. For years now, from various academic and social sectors, we have been explaining that agreements such as the TPP-11 are negative in their entirety.
Pressenza | 3-Oct-2022
The recent experience of the countries that have already ratified the TPP-11 and begun to operate, has demonstrated the character of this treaty and its pro-business tribunals, which is nothing more than an insurance for large corporations on their profits and markets.
The Conversation | 8-Sep-2022
It’s a portent of claims Australia may face from British companies invested in Australia’s fossil-fuel industries if the United Kingdom gets its way and joins the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.
bilaterals.org | 3-Jun-2022
Entretien avec l’activiste chilienne Lucía Sepúlveda Ruiz, porte-parole de Chile Mejor sin TLC.
bilaterals.org | 26-May-2022
Interview with Chilean activist Lucía Sepúlveda Ruiz.