El Acuerdo Integral y Progresivo para la Asociación Transpacífico (CPTPP o TPP por sus siglas en inglés) es un acuerdo comercial y de inversión que fue firmado el 7 de marzo de 2018 entre 11 países de la cuenca del Pacífico: Australia, Brunei, Canadá, Chile, Japón, Malasia, México, Nueva Zelandia, Perú, Singapur y Vietnam. El pacto entró en vigor el 30 de diciembre de 2018 entre los miembros que lo han ratificado. Los EE.UU. se retiraron de él en enero de 2017.

El capítulo de inversión incluye un mecanismo de arbitraje de disputas entre inversionistas y Estados (ISDS). Los grupos de la sociedad civil han tronado contra el mecanismo, puesto que concede a los inversionistas o compañías del extranjero poderes desproporcionados frente a los gobiernos o las compañías locales. Los inversionistas extranjeros podrían darle la vuelta a las cortes jurídicas nacionales y recurrir a un sistema paralelo de justicia, confeccionado especialmente para ellos.
La salud pública, el ambiente y otras “salvaguardas” de interés público, serian socavados por las previsiones ISDS en el TPP.

Foto: Blink O’Fanaye / CC BY-NC 2.0

(marzo de 2020)

| 3-ago-2013
We are told that when trade is free, there will be more trade and nations will prosper. To achieve even freer trade the nations of the world must enter into free trade agreements.
| 31-jul-2013
Malaysia’s Parti Keadilan Rakyat VP Nurul Izzah Anwar has accused the Ministry of International Trade and Industry of bowing down to pressure when it agreed to clauses on investor-state dispute settlement in negotiations for the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
| 20-may-2013
Consumers International (CI) has commissioned the production of three papers, the first on the competition chapter by one of our members, and the other two by independent experts, respectively covering the investment chapter and how it affects A2K, and the free flow of information provision and its impacts on privacy.
AJE | 8-dic-2012
Al Jazeera ask if the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement negotiations have rendered democratic decision-making irrelevant.
| 11-sep-2012
Delegates attending trans-Pacific free-trade negotiations in the United States are being warned their countries could end up like Australia if they agree to allow corporations to sue governments in international courts.
| 21-may-2012
Smoking is bad for our health. Smoking is detrimental to our economic well-being - smoking-related conditions and diseases cost the health service in this country millions and millions of dollars each year. But moves to reduce or stop smoking in this country could cost us just as much if not more.
Sydney Morning Herald | 5-mar-2012
The federal government is standing firm against Australian and US business demands that it allow controversial dispute settlement clauses into an ambitious new Pacific free trade deal.
The Conversation | 25-ago-2011
Legislation requiring tobacco products to be in plain packaging was passed by Australia’s House of Representatives last night. This is the first such measure in the world to become law.
Info Justice | 4-ago-2011
Philip Morris asserts that fair and equitable treatment includes a right to a “stable and predictable regulatory framework” as well as rights under treaties in addition to customary international law.
| 28-jun-2011
Tobacco giant Philip Morris suing the Australian government for introducing plain packaging laws for tobacco should send shockwaves through this country as it seeks a free trade deal involving the US, says an academic critic of the deal.