The Citizen | 25-mar-2019
The preferential protection of bilateral investments between Tanzania and the Netherlands is likely to cease next month but the protection for investments made before the date of termination continues to apply for a period of 15 years (until 1 April 2034).
AFTINET | 22-mar-2019
It has taken a second FOI case and another two years to reveal that Australian taxpayers were only awarded half of the costs of defending Australia’s tobacco plain packaging laws against tobacco giant Philip Morris in March 2017.
Churchill Mining | 20-mar-2019
The annulment committee has dismissed Churchill’s application for annulment of the award for the dispute arising out of the revocation of the mining licenses that made up the East Kutai Coal Project in East Kalimantan.
Australian Mining | 19-mar-2019
Kingsgate has been fighting the Thai Government and its insurers over the cancelled Chatree goldmine after it was denied renewal of its metallurgical licence.
Lexology | 15-mar-2019
According to the Svea Court of Appeal, Achmea does not preclude states and investors within the European Union from entering into an arbitration agreement regarding a specific dispute.
TASS | 15-mar-2019
A Berlin court has ordered former shareholders of Hally’s Parsons Green, linked to now defunct oil company Yukos, to compensate Russia its legal costs to the tune of 188,000 euros.
Bloomberg | 15-mar-2019
Venezuela’s opposition leader and self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido plans to appeal a $8.75 billion award issued to ConocoPhillips by the World Bank’s arbitration tribunal last week.
The Wire | 15-mar-2019
Free trade agreements like the RCEP will infringe on India’s intellectual property laws. India must stand its ground in the interest of public health.
Renewables Now | 15-mar-2019
The ICSID ruled against Spain in a case brought by NextEra Energy Inc regarding the US utility’s lost investments in two 49.9-MW concentrated solar power plants.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 14-mar-2019
The ongoing Rockhopper case may become a benchmark for future cases on the horizon, following Italy’s decision to crack down on hydrocarbon explorations and extractions.

ISDS Case Map