Today, the 6th of February 2019, the Romanian town of Roşia Montană celebrates its 1888th year of existence. Over the past 20 years, residents have fought against a proposed multi-billion dollar mining project.
An important European campaign to stop investor-state arbitration (ISDS) has been launched. Please click here to sign the petition and find out how you can get directly involved.
It would be a brave person who would gamble on the CJEU not extending its Achmea reasoning to the ECT. Perhaps the time for obituaries is not yet nigh, but the headstone is already being carved.
Pakistan is making a last-ditch effort for an out-of-court settlement in the Reko Diq mining case, wherein the complainant company whose contract was terminated is claiming $11.43 billion in damages in an international tribunal.
The EU-Canada free trade deal’s provisions on investor protection are in line with EU law, a senior court adviser said in a recommendation to the European Court of Justice.
International investment law overlooks the interests of local communities. This is especially troublesome in foreign investment in natural resources and infrastructure, where the local communities are the most affected and whose harm often leads to disputes.