Ecoticias | 23-Oct-2019
Con motivo de la Semana de Acción contra la Impunidad Corporativa, la campaña Derechos para las Personas Obligaciones para las Multinacionales lanzó en toda Europa la web de Premios Escobilla de Oro.
CIAR Global | 22-Oct-2019
El Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI) ha publicado su Informe Anual 2019, que presenta un análisis en profundidad de sus actividades durante el último año fiscal (1 de julio de 2018 – 30 de junio de 2019)
The Hindu Business Line | 22-Oct-2019
Indian negotiators are in Bangkok trying to insert crucial provisions in the proposed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) pact.
Euractiv | 22-Oct-2019
Les procès intentés par des investisseurs contre des États se multiplient au niveau mondial, menaçant les lois sur la protection du climat, selon les défenseurs de l’environnement.
Reuters | 22-Oct-2019
Barrick Gold Corp said it had reached a deal to settle a long-running tax dispute between Tanzania and mining group Acacia.
Ecologistas en Acción | 22-Oct-2019
El acuerdo de inversión, conocido como Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía, somete la soberanía de los Estados a los intereses económicos de las grandes corporaciones e impide ir hacia la transición energética.
Express Tribune | 21-Oct-2019
International institutions, through high-level backdoor contacts, have agreed to waive off the $1.2 billion penalty Pakistan has to pay to Turkey’s Karkey, senior lawyer Babar Awan said.
Euractiv | 21-Oct-2019
A global rise in investor lawsuits against nation-sates is putting climate protection laws under threat, activists warn.
People Dispatch | 21-Oct-2019
Negotiators representing 16 countries have been tasked with arriving at an agreement on the controversial Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership by October 19 but trade unions say the deal has grave consequences.
AFTINET | 21-Oct-2019
Organisations representing millions of Australians wrote to Labor MPs last week asking them to implement their policies against harmful proposals including special rights for foreign investors to sue governments for millions over domestic laws.