Live Mint | 14-Dec-2016
If we can manage our own economies well, new trade pacts will become largely redundant.
ABC | 6-Dec-2016
The problem with free trade deals is they rarely are about trade. In fact, trade usually is a side issue. And the TPP was a classic case in point.
Alternet | 16-Nov-2016
Our trade agreements—current and proposed—don’t send the right signals for the U.S. and other countries to meet their Paris commitments.
L’actualité | 8-Nov-2016
Le règlement de différends qui opposent des États et des entreprises étrangères devrait se faire devant les tribunaux et non devant des arbitres qui officient derrière des portes closes, affirme le professeur de droit Gus Van Harten.
Inequality | 28-Oct-2016
In a tale of people power over corporate power, a tribunal has ruled against a global company in a case over mining rights. Now we need to block trade deals that allow these “investor-state” lawsuits.
Stamford Advocate | 27-Oct-2016
"Our experience in Peru demonstrates how the TPP model prioritizes trade and investment above the protection of the environment, ecosystems, and life itself."
The Guardian | 25-Oct-2016
Threat of action from multinationals one of the ‘enormous risks’ Australia faces if trade deal is ratified, GetUp says
Taylor & Francis | 17-Oct-2016
The TPP threatens to extend the most draconian feature of the contemporary free trade model: private corporation’s ability to sue sovereign nations.
The Guardian | 11-Oct-2016
Lawyer for Philip Morris’s bid to take Australia to court over cigarette laws says Australia has nothing to fear from trade deals that allow investor-state disputes
Sierra Club | 3-Oct-2016
Looming trade deals threaten efforts to keep fossil fuels in the ground