L’Orient le Jour | 15-Nov-2017
Une grande partie du problème tient aux traités bilatéraux et aux dispositions sur l’investissement inscrites dans les accords commerciaux plus généraux.
National Post | 15-Nov-2017
Ottawa filed a lawsuit against the owners of a broken rail line in northern Manitoba hours after the company said it would file a complaint against the federal government under the North American Free Trade Agreement.
Government of India | 13-Nov-2017
The Union Cabinet has given its approval for signing the Joint Interpretative Declaration between India and Colombia regarding the existing Agreement for the Promotion and Protection of Investments.
The Express Tribune | 13-Nov-2017
Pakistan has successfully gotten a stay order from the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) over the execution of an $800 million award to Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim (Karkey).
Scoop | 13-Nov-2017
"[New Zealand’s] new government has begun to spin its achievements, while omitting some inconvenient details", says law professor Jane Kelsey.
IELP Blog | 13-Nov-2017
New Zealand’s new Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, is on the record as stating that investor-state dispute settlement (ISDS) must not be a part of any future trade agreements signed by New Zealand.
Irasia | 10-Nov-2017
The purpose of this release is to introduce the team, and to briefly describe the two claims and the processes to be followed in prosecuting each claim.
Digital Journal | 9-Nov-2017
To date, the Republic has not complied with the order and the Company is considering various options for enforcement of the award.
Project Syndicate | 9-Nov-2017
Much of the problem can be traced to bilateral investment treaties and investment rules embedded within broader trade pacts.
Alternatives Economiques | 9-Nov-2017
Plusieurs modifications indispensables auraient dû être apportées au CETA pour le rendre climato-compatible.