Global Search | 5-Nov-2015
Hace una semana, el pasado 27 de octubre, se aprobó en primer debate por parte de la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica el “Acuerdo Bilateral para la Promoción y Protección de Inversiones” entre Costa Rica y China
AFTINET | 5-Nov-2015
Preliminary analysis of the thousands of pages of the main chapters of the TPP text show there are still devils in the detail on medicine monopolies, investor rights to sue governments and copyright monopolies.
KEI | 5-Nov-2015
Despite assurances from the contrary by Australia and USTR, intellectual property is a covered asset subject to Investor State Dispute Settlement
Todd N. Tucker | 4-Nov-2015
Ecuador has been partially relieved of its debt to Occidental, which constitutes a pretty legalistic and conservative application of property rights by a state appointee dissenter.
Lexology | 4-Nov-2015
The number of claims filed by renewable energy investors under the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) has risen significantly.
Lexology | 3-Nov-2015
Besides abolishing tariffs and providing for investor-state dispute settlement, some of Vietnam’s highlights under the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade pact include removing the dreaded economic needs test
Connaissance des énergies | 3-Nov-2015
Le tribunal d’arbitrage de la Banque Mondiale, le Cirdi, a ordonné à l’Equateur de payer 1 milliard de dollars à la compagnie pétrolière américaine Oxy, pour rupture anticipée d’un contrat d’exploitation
Reuters | 3-Nov-2015
A World Bank tribunal reduced to about $1 billion the amount Ecuador must pay Occidental Petroleum Corp in compensation for seizing the U.S.-based company’s assets
OMAL | 2-Nov-2015
El 41% del Presupuesto General del Estado (PGE) de Ecuador ($ 34.097 millones en 2015, restados los 2.220 millones $ tras el reajuste de enero y agosto pasado) resultaría afectado si el país pierde las 24 demandas presentadas por empresas extranjeras que operaron en el país, al amparo de los Tratados Bilaterales de Inversiones (TBI).
Reuters | 2-Nov-2015
Ecuador is in talks with Occidental Petroleum Corp to seek an agreement over a roughly $1.77 billion award the Andean country was ordered to pay for seizing the U.S.-based company’s assets in 2006