Biopharmapress | 7-Jan-2020
Proper mandatory licenses will be exempt from claims for expropriation under the China BIT model.
Ciar Global | 3-Jan-2020
La constructora Graña y Montero S.A.A. ha presentado una solicitud de arbitraje ante el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias Relativas a Inversiones, CIADI, tras haber agotado la vía de trato directo, contra Perú.
Daily Star | 2-Jan-2020
Telenor, the principal investor of Bangladesh’s leading mobile phone operator Grameen Phone, has served a legal notice to the President of Bangladesh seeking arbitration.
Big Issue North | 2-Jan-2020
Commercial ISDS adjudications trump democratically established laws and controls.
Himalayan Times | 2-Jan-2020
The ICSID had issued an interim order directing the government not to take any steps to enforce its decision to collect the outstanding capital gains tax.