CEO | 15-abr-2020
Many countries, particularly in the global south, are in the process of joining the Energy Charter Treaty despite the sweeping powers it grants to foreign investors.
New Straits Times | 14-abr-2020
Axiata said the payment was made under protest and will seek remedies including restitution of sums already paid in the international arbitration proceedings.
CIAR Global | 13-abr-2020
Las filiales holandesas de la compañía NextEra tendrán que esperar para ejecutar el laudo del arbitraje contra España que persiguen ante un tribunal estadounidense.
Ascent Resources | 10-abr-2020
Ascent Resources Plc, the onshore European and Caribbean / Hispanic American oil and gas company, has received a Letter of Intent for up to €3 million of potential litigation funding in Slovenia.
Modern Diplomacy | 10-abr-2020
This is Brazil’s 10th and India’s 4th bilateral investment agreement since both nations had adopted their Model Bilateral Investment Treaty.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 9-abr-2020
States around the world have taken a variety of measures seeking to stem the spread of COVID-19. It is likely that some foreign investors may seek relief and/or compensation for any losses resulting from State measures.
CIAR Global | 8-abr-2020
El Informe Anual de la Corte Permanente de Arbitraje ha sido publicado por la institución, de cuyos números destacan que registró 49 nuevos casos, y recibió 39 solicitudes como autoridad nominadora bajo las Reglas de Arbitraje de la Comisión de las Naciones Unidas para el Derecho Mercantil Internacional (CNUDMI)
Movimiento M4 | 7-abr-2020
Este informe examina la manera en que empresas mineras interponen demandas multimillonarias en contra de países de América Latina cuando sus cortes toman decisiones, y cuando implementan políticas públicas o medidas gubernamentales – particularmente en respuesta a las justas exigencias de comunidades afectadas por la minería – que afectan sus inversiones.
CIAR Global | 6-abr-2020
La italiana Salini Impregilo ha presentado un arbitraje de inversiones contra Panamá en el Centro Internacional de Arreglo de Diferencias relativas a Inversiones (CIADI)
Verfassungsblog | 2-abr-2020
Investors are receiving monetary damages that they would not be entitled to outside of ISDS, on the basis of an unjustified and highly reductive understanding of value.