IISD | 25-abr-2019
Tribunals lack both a coherent conception of what constitutes politically motivated conduct and a consistent understanding of the relevance, if any, of such motivations for the disposition of foreign investors’ legal claims.
YubaNet | 25-abr-2019
The company filed the suit in December 2018 for alleged violations of the Central America–Dominican Republic Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR).
S&P Global | 25-abr-2019
EU plans to extend its internal energy market rules to Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas link to Germany could breach the Energy Charter Treaty, which protects international investors, according to the Swiss-registered company building it.
Kluwer Arbitration Blog | 24-abr-2019
After Brexit, the UK will be theoretically a suitable jurisdiction to enforce intra-EU awards.
Al Jazeera | 24-abr-2019
In 2015, Gabriel Resources sued Romania before of the ICSID, asking for a reported four billion dollars in damages, after protests halted plans for Europe’s largest gold mine.
No al TTIP | 23-abr-2019
La campaña No a los Tratados de Comercio e Inversión publica en castellano un informe que analiza las demandas de inversores contra Estados ante tribunales de arbitraje utilizando el Tratado sobre la Carta de la Energía.
La Republica | 23-abr-2019
El Estado y la empresa están en fase de conciliación, si no llegan a un acuerdo, se irá al arbitraje internacional. Proyecto de hidroeléctrica, en la laguna Mamacocha quedó trunco.
In These Times | 23-abr-2019
To reduce emissions abroad, the US must renegotiate its trade agreements.
Reporterre | 23-abr-2019
Texaco — Et pourtant nous vaincrons, une nouvelle BD, relate l’histoire du désastre environnemental en Amazonie et de la lutte en justice des affectés.
The Guardian | 23-abr-2019
Florida-based APR Energy sought compensation for treatment of its gas turbines.